Follow along on our adventures!

Retirement + Adventure = Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy.

We were air traffic controllers who sat on our butts in a windowless building, stared at illuminated radar screens and barked out directions.

Married in 2004, goals were to raise our Brady Bunch and reach retirement.

To balance out a work-life in the dark, we spend as much time outside walking, hiking, and biking.  Plus traveling to explore new places and meet new faces.

At the finish line.

Yours truly at Stonehenge.

This blog began in 2021 under the domain name to document Larry’s bicycle ride from Anacortes, WA to Brunswick, MA for this 65th birthday.

In 2022, I added our Camino de Santiago northbound from Porto, Portugal and travels through Greece, Ireland and Iceland. 

I let the blog lapse during 2023 though Larry rode across Sicily, Italy and climbed Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.  Truth be known, I wasn’t included in those trips and he doesn’t blog.

Its 2024.  We spent the winter in Texas and Florida, plus traveled to Alaska.  We are about to embark on my 65th birthday trip to New Zealand.

Come join us, through our blog and photos!

Rebecca & Larry

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Story about Larry:

“I know you wanted to walk up this hill a second time,” Larry said.

“Yes, you’re so intuitive,” I replied.

“Two-a-tive, three-a-tive. Four-a-tive?”  He asked.

“No, two-a-tive.  Like you have two balls, two arms and two legs.”  I answered.

He stopped walking and raised one hand, fingers spread out. 


Then he put both hands up, fingers spread, “Tena-a-tive?”

I laughed.

He’s the king of Dad jokes.

“Live everyday to its fullest.” - Larry Stephen

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About the blogging master, Rebecca Phoenix

Becky.  Sassy.  Beckster.  Sis.  Bitch.  Sunshine.  Ei Ei O.  Mommy.  Happy Voice.  Mom.  Echo.  Evil L.  Honey.  Momma.  Beautiful.  Sweetheart.

These are some of the names people call me, and I wear each one with pride.

Who am I and what am I about?  Good question.

At sixty-five, I am still working on the answers.
