We’re Home, for a few days…
Larry and I made it home, travel long, smooth and non-eventful.
We have a few days dedicated to household chores before we’re off again. This time to Sedona, Arizona (with our dogs).
I follow an artist Elizabeth St. Hilaire, who combines two art mediums, paint and collage. I love her vibrant colors and eccentric personality. Though I missed her Tuscany workshops while in New Zealand, I did grab a spot in her Sedona class this weekend!
Larry was fussy about the quick turnaround, but I registered for Sedona months before New Zealand was planned.
After my class, we’ll re-explore the area, via hiking a few days; then it’s home again, at least through Christmas…
* * *
So many people to thank for making our New Zealand trip so successful.
Our neighbors: Danielle who lovingly cared for our house and plants; John, Sean & Kristy for the most excellent leaf raking job; the rest of our neighbors who kept a vigil eye should a moving van suddenly appear;
All the amazing people at Happy Tails Dog Kennel for caring and loving on our two dogs; To all the people we met during our travels; United flight attendants, various hotel staff; different restaurant personnel; Kiwi Journeys company, which included accommodations and travel peeps; Airbnb hosts; and the ever wonderful ‘Joe’ (or Jolene) on the street who appeared when needed.
We are a village.
The dogs at daycare.
My cribbage hand at the Auckland Airport.
Lay-down seats. Larry spoiled us.