Photos of the Adventure
Hunk of burning love
My favorite cycling view.
I said yes, I'd be his supportive "jock strap" during the ride across the US.
Taking bets, how many flats will Larry have this summer across the U.S.
Are you gonna eat all that?
He spins the wheel at the print shop, Wonderhand Studios, Greeley, CO.
Feeling wired
Does a bear shit in the woods?
"Who Let him Drive?" Oliver (who was blind), Maverick (a foster) and Belle (our ambassador)
No ticket, just a scolding.
Fishes and kisses
Always looking for an excuse to drink wine.
Summer and Elliott
Milton the cockswain
Counting snow flakes
Cycling view minutes from our home.
Fun ride, look at those faces.
Road trippin with my boys
Coffee shop in the middle of nowhere.
Wagons times three
Duct tape fixes everything
View along the Malhuer River
Evening Alpacas
Elliott in action
Summer in action
Lookout Point Lake
Wine and family. Samir and Larry
Silvan Ridge Evening view
the view
Getting ready for a training ride.
Beauty in Samir’s garden
Love these two, Larry and Kiwi Luke.
Smiley Bubble
Sexy flowers
I love facial hair.
Coffee, he brought me coffee!
The Guardian.
Those shorts don’t hide much.
She needs glasses.
Elliott helping me blog.
From my lap, across the picnic table to Larry’s lap. Only 80 pounds.
Starting his ride across the country, Anacortes, Washington
Backlit moss
Rainbow Web
Oops, ran over a chalk man.
Mustache for Karen
The Picket Range
Grouchy selfie
Never too old for Rookie Ring
Oh, so many tractors.
RV campground humor
Now that’s a flight!
“Get that out of your mouth, it’s nasty.”
Green egg, all you need is ham.
River Marina
Pseudo beach
Blueberry camping
Work Rules on the Blueberry Farm
Happy Dog. Moments before the ball landed in a hornets nest.
Goat eyes
Polka Dots
Puppies in Paradise
Montana Paradise
Fish eye
Peek a boo
Yours Truly
Sunrise over Sun Road
Buck eye
After our drive over the Bighorn Mountains
Cave paintings
Larry likes the painted horses best.
Waiting in line for the dump station
Larry bought a new touring bike. I will call her ‘Sparky.’
Getting Sparky outfitted.
He cheats
Fixing Charlie
Packing at the KOA
Truuuue lovvee, or True love is the greatest thing in the world. Except a nice M.L.T…
Dave’s got the coolest stuff
Home away from sweet home.
slippery when wet
Tying down his touring bike for Phase Two/2022
Photo-bomb Larry-Leaving Longmont
Good dogs despite 4th of July fireworks
Lopsided Ferris Wheel
Their last day of fetch with Larry July 5, 2022
Phase Two: First night on the trail/2022
Looking over Lake Michigan
No Automobile traffic allowed on the Mackinac Island
Hunk of Man
Canadian Haircut
He made it!! Brunswick, Maine
The bike survived shipping home.
Now the next adventure The Camino de Santiago
Queen Elizabeth had just died.
London Bridge
Porto, Portugal
The Start
Noon time, exhausted. We averaged 17 miles daily.
Delicious dinner on the coast.
waiting for sunset
Sunset on the Portugal coast.
rest stop
Our shadows
Our laundry
postcard perfect
Saint Larry and the Apple
Rest stop
One of many hostels
Camino Pastries
coffee break
keep on walking
Hers and his backpacks
Made it to the finish line! Santiago, Spain
Flight to Greece
OMG, the food here is amazing. I could live in Greece.
Laundry in Naxos
Naxos, Greece
The setting sun, Naxos, Greece
Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty, and Kitty
Exploring the city of Naxos
Next stop Ireland
Train station London
I put us on the wrong London train
View from our Airbnb. Kerry, Ireland
Cows across in the pasture.
Ireland is so green.
Final stop, Iceland
Black sand, Iceland
Vast countryside, Iceland
Church on a hill, Iceland.
Very cool columns.
View from inside a dirt house
Greenhouses everywhere
Original inhabitants were Vikings, Iceland Museum.
In Italy for a bike ride with friends, Spring 2023
Larry in Sicily
Larry is top right, Sicily.
Larry on top of old smokey - Kilimanjaro, 2023
Larry maybe on top of Mt Kilimanjaro, but he's in the dog house at home. (He missed my birthday, then neighbors took care of me when I needed finger surgery.)
Elliott broke my finger (needed surgery), he is sorry.
Painting left handed thank you' s for my care-takers (all my wonderful neighbors).
My new skill ... non-dominate hand paintings. My other useless skill is I can read upside down.
New Cast, Meet Arnold the Lobster
Larry's home. I didn't stay mad for long.
leaf angel
cushy leaf pillow
Next trip, Hawaii (my surgeon nixed the New Zealand plans, maybe next year?)
Hey Dude
rough seas
We hiked across this very cool crater in HVNP
On the Big Island
Another fabulous hike, Big Island, HI
matchy matchy hiking in Hawaii
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park (HVNP)
Hawaiian sign
Next road trip: Corpus Christi, TX for December 2023, Navarre, FL for January 2024, Tampa, FL for February 2024,
Guess where we are?
Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Amarillo, TX
Best day of 2023
Texas Sunset
Texas Longhorn
"Stop the car! I need to take a picture."
Beep Beep
Rosetta Spoonbill
As you age, it's ridiculous how fast bird-watching creeps up on you. You spend your whole life being 100% indifferent to birds, and then one day you're like "Damn is that a yellow-rumped warbler?"
What we did all month
Elliott Elvis
Great travelers, Summer and Elliott
Don't let that smile fool you, he still cheats at cards.
On board the USS Lexington, Corpus Christi, TX
Our very rustic Airbnb for Christmas.
At the botanical gardens, Corpus Christi, TX
Summer and her Frisbee
There was a crooked house
Port Aransas Beach, TX
Downtown Corpus Christi, TX
Tina, Port Aransas, TX
Larry wouldn't let me purchase these.
Lake Charles, LA Airbnb
Abilene, TX
Navarre, FL for January
Pensacola Lighthouse
Reflections in Sand
Navarre Bridge, FL
Pensacola Sound
I could live here. Navarre Beach, FL
Swampland, North Florida
Ghost hunting Seville Quarters, Pensacola, FL
pretty jelly
Traveling towards Tampa Airbnb, Montecello, FL
Monticello, FL
Made it to Tampa for February
My adult children came to visit, Tampa Airport
Tampa Airbnb
From my loins
A night out Samir, Larry, Me, Jake, Andrew and Sarah
Favorite brewery around the corner, Tampa, FL
Flowers bloom year round in Tampa
At Yankees game, Tampa, FL
Trip to Egmont Key National Wildlife Refuge, FL
Old battery, Egmont Key
Looking for sharks teeth, Egmont Key
My partner, Egmont Key
St. Petersburg
Our final day in Tampa with Tracie and Jake celebrating Larry's Birthday
Mushroom Rock State Park, Hays, KS
Watching Dad pack Pfeifer, KS
Trip to Haines, Alaska via Seattle and Juneau
Haines, Alaska
Hiking in Haines. I was a bit nervous with all the Brown Bear scat.
The Hammer Museum, Haines, AK
No shit
Whiskey Tasting, Port Chilkoot Distillery, Haines, AK
Larry, my cousin Mike and I. Larry won. Haines, AK
Bull Moose, Cameron Pass, CO
Pine Squirrel, Cameron Pass, CO
Old West Outhouse