We Wait

Larry’s anxious for the big ride to begin, we wait.

Old Green is in the transmission shop.  We wait for news.

Our hot water heater went kaput two nights ago.  It’s under warranty.  A repairman came late afternoon, ‘twas the wrong company,’ as in not the company that installed the water heater.  That company, Greater Western won’t answer its phone or return messages.  Still no hot water.  We wait.

We go about our day, breakfast, hour walk with the dogs, miscellaneous chores, followed by lunch.  Larry continues to train, today I tagged along for the easy portion.  For you Brian W. I took a pic of my favorite view, his derriere. He’s still hot. 

Controllers on Rollers

Controllers on Rollers

Got to play the hand you’re dealt.

Got to play the hand you’re dealt.

Almost nightly we played a card game, Skip-Bo.  Originally it started as therapy for a Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury I suffered eons ago.  Recently, we’ve upped the game to Cribbage.  Playing open handed, and counting on my fingers, I continue to get ‘skunked.’  I’ve won one in thirty five games, those aren’t very good odds.  I wait for a miracle.


Goodbye and Welcome


The Tale of Two Trucks