The dog ate my homework and other canine stories.

The yellow lab, Summer threw-up water prior to breakfast, I figured she drank too fast.

“Do you want me to skip the ride and stay with you and the dogs?” Larry asked.

Getting his bike ready

Getting his bike ready

“Nah, there’s nothing you’d be able to do that I can’t do,” I said, “ besides it was a fluke.  I’ll meet you at the blueberry farm tonight.”

Off he goes.

Off he goes.

Larry rode off into the sunset, cross that, he rode off into the sunrise, leaving me to stay busy until checkout time.

Sneaking up on Ken.

Sneaking up on Ken.

Our friends Ken and my new sis Natalie left shortly after Larry.

The boat marina

The boat marina

All alone at the campground, I decided a good walk in the woods was in order.  

Our walk.

Our walk.

Elliott doesn’t like to get in the water.  Whoever heard of such a lab?

Elliott doesn’t like to get in the water. Whoever heard of such a lab?

Three miles and an hour later the pup dogs and I were back to camp.

Summer tossed her breakfast.  Now I was worried.

She looks droopy and dehydrated.

She looks droopy and dehydrated.

I called Larry.  We decided I would drive over the ridge, pick him and his bike up, then take Summer to a vet.  Our only option on a Sunday was an ER Vet.  And those 24 hour vets are in big cities, like Spokane, Washington, an hour and a half south.

When I drove away from camp, my phone was missing.  

I drove back to my site and searched the grounds, my camper and my truck.  No phone.

I had a panic attack.

It was past checkout time, so I parked elsewhere and walked back with dogs through the campground, a second time, backtracking where I had driven.   No phone.

I came across the campground hosts, Mandy and Phillip Burdick on their golf cart.  They calling my phone.  No answer.  Then Phillip let me call Larry on his phone.  

Larry said he was in Tiger, off of Hwy 20.

Setting out in opposite directions, the campground hosts and I continued to search.  I had all but given up when that golf cart from heaven appeared waving my phone in the air.    

Best campground hosts, ever.

Best campground hosts, ever.

I was so fucking happy.  I asked Mandy if I could hug her.  And hug her I did!  They were my heroes today!

An hour later I found Larry at the crossroads of Hwy 20 and Hwy 31, Nowheresville, Washington.  Did I mention Summer threw-up in the truck on the way.  

She threw up a fourth time as Larry drove south.  

Eww, the truck smells.

Due to Covid protocol, Larry, Elliott and I sat in lawn chairs, in the evaporating shade, in 99 degree weather, and wait for Summer’s prognosis.

Dang it’s hot.  Larry, Elliott and my chair at the ER Vet.

Dang it’s hot. Larry, Elliott and my chair at the ER Vet.

I text Ken, ‘can we camp in your driveway tonight?’  He texted back, we have the option of his guest room and, I say again, AND dinner for a third night.

Today is going to be a good day.  


I had a dream


Let me tell you about the Tribbett’s.