I had a dream

“If there’s anything you need, anytime, anywhere, you call.  Ok?”  Those were Ken’s parting words at the campground.  Little did I know, we’d be seeing Ken and Natalie that evening.

The night before, we noticed Summer snacking in the campground dirt, “surely her upset stomach was a temporary issue,” I had told everyone.

Not so.

After X-rays, blood tests and several hours, Summer was diagnosed with Pancreatitis & Gastroenteritis.  Folding up our camping chairs, we left our shaded ‘waiting spot’ on the hot, ER Vet parking lot with a drowsy and drugged yellow Labrador, and her travel bag of anti-nausea and antibiotic drugs.

“I think I’ll call it quits,” Larry announced as he drove to Ken and Natalie’s house.

“No, don’t say that, at least not yet.” I said.

“Well, when you read that article, ‘Pancreatitis in dogs is potentially life-threatening,’ I don’t want to take a chance.”

“Sleep on it first, then make your decision in the morning.”  I suggested.

We parked in Ken’s driveway, showered in their house and dined in their kitchen.  Though treated as royal guests, it felt like home.  

Natalie and Ken

Natalie and Ken

I love this woman!

I love this woman!

Washing Summer

Washing Summer

Sticking to my new Natalie slogan, “Its not a Queen’s job,” we sent Larry and Ken to the laundromat to wash the dog bed and seat cover Summer had vomited on, while us queens enjoyed some women chat time.

She braided my hair, so pretty.

She braided my hair, so pretty.

This morning as we slipped out of the bed cavity down the steps and onto the linoleum floor, Larry said, “I had a dream last night.  I can’t remember all of it, but I do remember I was going off on my bike and Summer wanted to come along, she was running along side me.  I forgot the next part, but then I was riding my bike down the road and Summer was on the side of the road, dead.” He actually, honest to God, teared up. “I need to take care of her first.  I can’t put her health in jeopardy,” he continued. (Told you she was his sweetheart)

Jessica, our hometown vet called while we were on the road.  She confirmed what I had mentioned, “…you’ve had the trouble with the trucks and now Summer, maybe a postponement is in order.  This fall may be a good time to ride.”  Yes Jessica, I wholeheartedly agree.  The timing is off, but that doesn’t mean quit.

Her call and the many texts from family and friends filled me with overflowing gratitude.  We are so loved; even that yellow dog I compete with for Larry’s attention and affection.

So here we are, dry camping at Riley Creek Blueberry Farm, in Idaho, you’d the ho.  It’s too dang hot to do anything but sweat.  I do have a battery operated fan, it blows, blows the sweat into salt crystals.

Talking “bike”

Talking “bike”

Tomorrow we’re going up the road to Sandpoint, meet and camp on Karin’s land.  She’s the momma bear of my neighbor/friend Danielle; Danielle whose family could be called our caretakers.  Her son shovels the snow, her daughter feeds the cat, her husband is the fixer of things while we are away, and Danielle is central to everything.  

After Sandpoint, we’re detouring to Glacier National Park for two nights.  We have just enough meds for Summer and it’s a place Larry has always wanted to see.  

Then homeward bound.  Larry’s driving, because it’s not a Queen’s job.

Birds in flight

Birds in flight


Whip me, Strip me, Tease me, Fly me.


The dog ate my homework and other canine stories.