Today was another setback

The gooseneck ball hitch arrived yesterday. Hooray.

The installers are two weeks out for putting it in the truck. Boo.

Larry was NOT a happy camper, this morning. No siree.


I texted our offspring, everyone had something to say, each profoundly wise. My favorite was, “At least you guys are retired.”

Yes, we are. Worked our asses off for years, shift work, high stress (I attribute my stress to some of the people we worked with), with early retirement - Air Traffic Controller, we were. And now we can’t control a damn thing preparing for Larry’s Cycling trip from A to B. Think there is a lesson in here somewhere??


“Let’s go for a hike.” Larry suggested, through gritted teeth.

And we did.


We went to Coulson Gulch, near Big Elk Meadows, past Pinewood Springs, before Estes Park.

run-off creek

run-off creek

cook stove and box spring

cook stove and box spring

bear scat

bear scat

Three miles, downhill, uphill, downhill, through a meadow, along a spring run-off creek to the North St Vrain River. Wow, was it flowing. Our usually picnic area was under water.





The dogs had a blast, running, sniffing, wading in the creeks. Seeing them ‘be dogs’ brought a smile to our faces. After lunch it was three miles back, this time the uphill’s outnumbered the downhills.

Selfie at Lunch.  Elliott crawled onto the rock and sat in my lap.

Selfie at Lunch. Elliott sat on my lap.

ly blows dandilion.jpg

I was dragging by the time we reached the truck. Larry, on the other hand was rejuvenated; he was happy, happy, happy.

As he should be. We are retired, after all.


Wear your helmet properly


Snarky Post Number Eleven