Snarky Post Number Eleven

“What route is Larry taking?”  I’ve been asked.

“The Northern tier,” I reply.

“What’s that?”

Very good question…I’m so accustomed to barking out orders, telling pilots where to go, for children to get off my lawn, you know, the regular stuff.  I didn’t file the flight plans, I only amended them to avoid restricted airspace or keep the aircraft from colliding.

Maps as Larry views them

Maps as Larry views them

Cycling maps as I view them

Cycling maps as I view them

Larry filed his own ‘flight plan,’ across the northern section of the U.S.  It’s more scenic and it’s the longest of the three recommended routes by the outfit Adventure Cycling, therefore more bragging rights.

He plans to start at the northwest tip, Anacortes, Washington state.  Dipping his big toe, left or right I’m not sure there’s a protocol, into the pacific ocean.

He’ll tackle big mountains first, across Washington, then Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa (he has to swing south of the Great Lakes-Canada is closed), Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.  

Larry said it’s 4,200 miles and if he rides 100 miles a day - 6 days a week, he’ll be finished in 7 weeks.  

Oh joy, that’s my kind of excursion.  I’ll hook up the camper, drive 100 miles ahead of him and set up a new camp, day after day, after day. Boy oh boy, this will be the highlight of my summer.

I cherish the words of my veterinarian, “In the middle of his ride, he’s going to be exhausted and start complaining.  You can secretly relish in his misery.”

I figure riding through bad weather stories will keep me amused, and I’ll express my never ending love and loyalty with my forefinger and thumb playing, “My heart bleeds for you.”

*Note:  we are still waiting for the elusive, redesigned, gooseneck ball hitch to appear at the installation facility.  Charlie, the camper is forever parked in our driveway...looking handsomely immobile.

**As of ten minutes ago Larry made his weekly phone call to B&W Hitches. Apparently the distributers are behind schedule, so Larry became the go-between the manufacturer (B&W) in Kansas and the Lampert Hitch Inc., installers in Arvada, Colorado. Our Gooseneck Ball will be shipped directly and arrive Friday or Monday! We could be on the road next week.

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Neighborhood sidewalk art for your viewing pleasure.

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Today was another setback


My Dog Loving Husband