Today was a long, hard ride and it didn’t rain!
I’m a bit sore and bruised from yesterday’s fall, in fact every bruise has a name. There’s “Ram-into-the-Handlebars” bruise, “Pedal Banger” bruise, and “Assault from the Battery” bruise. Plus a few “Gravel Gouges.”
When I was eight years old, I rode up, then down an off-limits hill and smacked into a parked car. Don’t remember the hospital trip, nor Mom waking me up hourly per the doctor’s orders. Did that stop me from riding bikes? No.
When I was almost 40, my boyfriend Larry and I were riding when I slipped into a washout. My bike stopped, and I flipped over the handlebars. Concussion number two, labeled a Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury. I woke in the MRI machine and swore I’d been abducted by aliens. The struggle to regain semi-normalcy took two years.
Fifteen years later while Larry taught at the college, I rode solo…50 to 60 miles daily. It was so freeing and as a bonus, I could eat anything I wanted.
One night I dreamt the next bike accident would be my demise. (Weird thing is, in the dream I was on the wrong side of the road along a fenced pasture, kind of like New Zealand roads.)
With too many things to accomplish, I stopped the solo bike rides ‘cold turkey.’ And yet, I fell cycling with Larry, and broke my thumb.
So, how many times have I fallen off my bike? Yesterday brought the total to six. And I’m still alive!
I got things to do. Yes Siree.