First thing this morning, Larry got a text from our neighbor John. They’re friends, so much so John invited Larry to climb Mnt Kilimanjaro last year with his family group.
Let me hit refresh…
We are surrounded by the best neighbors. Everyone is unique. Everyone is kind.
While Larry was in Africa last year with John, I broke my finger walking dogs. My neighborhood collective took care of me during and after surgery.
For July 4th, our national holiday, we had a potluck at our house. This wasn’t the original plan - a party at our house - but circumstances went askew. Eighty two of our closest neighbors came. An eye opener for us; everyone needs real connection, especially in this day and time of social media, where that’s lacking.
The text this morning:
“Hope the last days are going great. The pics are awesome…
“Your homies went out and did round 1 of leaf raking today. Kristy started it, then Sean and I joined in. Two hours later and you can hardly tell!”
Sorry New Zealand. Though you’re an incredible land with beautiful people, and we’d very much like to live here…we can’t leave our special corner of Colorado just yet. We’ll see how the election goes. If there’s a civil war. If our adult children come home. If our neighbors need us.