Three Flat Tires

Roadside in Ontario

“Thoughts from the road:

“As I biked through Wisconsin and Michigan, it became more and more apparent the division in our country.  It’s okay to not agree, but the hatred with which we disagree is unwarranted.  It was nice to reach Canada where even though they don’t agree about all things Canadian, at least they do so with a modicum of respect.

“Why is it that I get flat tires when it is raining, and only when it’s raining?  I guess that’s what they mean by ‘When it rains it pours!’

“Three flat tires and all three in the rain.”


Early Morning Wheat Field

Interesting Sign

First Nations’ Stop Sign

First glimpse of Lake Erie across the soybean field.

Goodbye Michigan

Hellooooo Canada


Surprise!! I’m in Canada!!


Bar Harbor vs Brunswick, they both start with the letter “B.”