Bar Harbor vs Brunswick, they both start with the letter “B.”

“Who put this bench here for my break?”

In less than a week, Larry has cycled across the cheese state, aka Wisconsin.  His nightly reports are some variation of:

1.    The maps from Adventure Cycling are difficult to navigate;

2.    Lots of mosquitoes and black flies;

3.    His shortest ride was 65 miles.  His longest was 97 miles.  This week, his daily average has been 80 miles;

4.    Finding a camp site to pop-up a tent is a challenge (he’s had a few hotel stays already);

5.    And lots of lakes, ponds and mashes, did I mention mosquitoes?

Another cyclist headed the opposite direction told Larry to end his tour in Brunswick, Maine instead of Bar Harbor.  She said it was more bike friendly, for a variety of reasons (I don’t recall).  Will he heed her advice?  Will it make his ride shorter?  Will he still have ‘bragging rights?’  It does begin with the letter “B.”

 Here are some of the photos he’s sent home:

“My campsite for the night.” (Day one)

“The fog started out this morning.”

“Today’s road hazard.”

“Good morning from the wetlands.”

Probably the best picture he’s taken this week.

“Sweet. I got mosquitoes.”

“Next State Please”

“Lake Michigan”

“Manistique Lighthouse.”

Maybe a better title for today’s blog would have been, “Blue Tent travels East."


Three Flat Tires


“It wasn’t my first tick rodeo.”