End of the Season

My partner is home for the season.  

Larry stopped his bike ride at approximately halfway between the west coast and the east coast in the little town of Monticello, along the banks of the mighty Mississippi.  If you look at your Minnesota map, it’s north of Minneapolis.

After renting a U-Haul to transport his bike and panniers, he drove 15 hours divided into three days due to daylight and severe weather.

“I enjoyed the minimalist lifestyle of traveling self contained on a bike.”  He said. 

The extent of what he drove home.

The extent of what he drove home.

“People I met either said, ‘Wow, that’s really cool, what an adventure,’ or looked at me as if to say, ‘How many times as a child were you dropped on your head?’”

He will resume his cross country bike adventure next year, when the snows melt.  The camper recall part is STiLL on back order…I may go with him or I may not.

What to do with all these zucchinis?

What to do with all these zucchinis?

Make zucchini boats, or as Larry calls them, Zucchini Battleships.

Make zucchini boats, or as Larry calls them, Zucchini Battleships.


Winter Solstice


The adventure via phone calls and texts