I could live here.
Viana do Castelo is a beautiful city, my favorite so far. I’m glad we took a day of rest…if you call walking 6+ miles resting.
We visited the Santuario de Santa Luzia on top of the mountain looking over the city.
Then we ventured behind the Cathedral to see the pre-Roman fortified city called Cidade Velha (“Old Town”.) There were no information posters, or markers…anywhere, we made up stories about the ruins.
Larry made a new friend, an old coach bus driver who will be 85 in December. Though Larry speaks zero Portuguese and the old man spoke zero English, they managed to communicate, perfectly for fifteen minutes after the old man spoke the words Putin and Trump.
Back in town we toured The Municipal Museum to view Baroque Facade Decorations and The Museum of Traditional Clothes worn by the Portuguese people until 1960.
Last night Saint Larry purchased more Compseed for my blisters. Today, we needed two more health care items, items we try not to talk about in polite conversation, like coughing and constipation.
Larry has a head cold, stuffy nose and some coughing. With the remnants of Covid, he seems scary. I haven’t had a good BM since our flight a week ago.
We’re both congested, Larry on top, me on bottom.
After our much needed purchases, the healthcare sales-woman threw in a free box of ‘Rapid’ relief pills with a smile.
We returned a second night to Restaurante Taberna do Valentim for hamburgers. I mean fish. Danny set aside the same table with the most handsome smile.
These Portuguese people! Smiles, genuine smiles!