And He’s Off - Part Two
I watched Larry attach the pannier bags, put on his shoes and pedal away. He grew smaller and smaller, fading into a tiny red and yellow dot surrounded by greenery until he was no more.
With my own mixed bag of emotions, I hopped into the truck and fiddled for ten minutes until I could get my phone paired with the truck’s GPS. I almost cried, again.
Ten minutes into the drive, barreling on the interstate, my exit to join another highway was blocked due to construction. Why my GPS didn’t warn me, I’ll never know. I got completely turned around and eventually found myself on a back stretch along the Mississippi. Dead-reckoning, it’s a great skill to own in my bag of navigational tricks.
I made it to my tiny house Airbnb south of Lincoln, Nebraska. It’s beautiful here. After meeting the host, the dogs and I ventured down the pasture to chase rabbits and look at a herd of Longhorns. I really wish I had a big plot of land so the dogs could run.
Larry made it to Cumberland, Wisconsin, after approximately 85 miles today. He sounded cheerful on the phone. That’s one of us.
His report: 85 miles. Head wind. Some leg cramps. Pretty good ‘first’ day.