Here we go!
Larry was released from his month long stand-by-status for U.S. District Court jury duty. Yahoo!
Now he can get his ass on that bike and finish what he set out to do last year,
cycle across the country from Point A (Anacortes, Washington) to Point B (Bar Harbor, Maine).
He’ll re-start his ‘epic,’ as in one man, solo, all by himself, camping on the hard ground, bike ride in Minneapolis, MN (MSP). That’s where he left off last year.
On a practice ride this week (imagine 70 lbs. stuff attached to the bike).
Here are answers to those pressing questions:
Why isn’t George (that’s me) driving Charlie the camper as support?
Because I don’t want to.
Larry worries about my safety and knows I cannot back it up: translation = He doesn’t want me to, because…
I made him ride 100 miles each day.
Then how far is Larry planning to ride daily?
He’s planning 65-75 miles daily.
Now he can stop when he damn well pleases.
How will I keep up his/our blog without being present?
Larry. Camera. Death Valley.
He will send me photos (God help us there).
He will send me daily ride data from his Zepp app. (Another marvelous male oriented device driven by testosterone).
And I’ll try my best to make it interesting, even with all that crap he sends me.
How is he getting to MSP? Well, that’s where I come in.
Getting Big White ready.
Dogs on center console.
Very Good Travelers.
We’ll load up the truck with his red touring bike, the panniers stuffed with his travel gear, and the two dogs.
Leave Monday, the 4th of July.
Drive two days to MSP, stopping halfway in OMA.
I’ll deliver him to a preselected spot on the Northern Tier Route (middle of the city).
Wave goodbye & good luck (and take the mandatory photo of smiley Larry riding off into the horizon).
Hop back into the truck.
Then I’ll drive home with said dogs (stopping in LNK for a night of rest).
Todays training ride. We stopped for snacks and water. I’m not sure why Larry looks so annoyed at me, he was smiling the whole ride. Maybe he can’t wait to get to Minneapolis? He’ll be smiling big then!