“P.S., A Walking Postscript”(Portugal to Spain)

Larry’s Final thoughts from the road:

“It has been a while since I finished the ride and I realize how much catching up I had to accomplish.  The ride allowed me to appreciate the smaller things, fresh air, slower pace of life and just how little it requires to live life in this manner.  I appreciate all that Rebecca sacrificed to allow me this opportunity.  

Some of the questions I have been asked:

    1.    How many tires did I go through: I started with new tires and they survived the trip, now tubes are another story.  I did get several flats, usually when it was raining, but that was expected.

    2.    How were the drivers: I was very pleasantly surprised, the drivers on the northern tier were very polite and courteous.  Usually giving me generous amounts of space.  Several waved or gave thumbs up as they passed.

    3.    How was the weather: Hot, humid, but it was summer after all.  The bugs were the bad thing, not while riding, but as soon as I stopped here they came!

    4.    Which state was my favorite: This one is so hard, there is so much beauty in all these states.

    5.    Did I see a lot of wildlife: Yes. Wildlife reacts differently to a bike, as opposed to a car.  They don’t view you as a threat, so deer, coyotes, foxes, etc. will just stand there and look at you.

    6.    What next: Not another bike ride?  No at least not yet, no I want to go for a long walk!”


From Rebecca:

“Never thought to make a blog about the next adventure chapter, until I sat on the airport shuttle after my friend Betty inquired.

“If I had planned appropriately, I’d rename this webpage, “P.S., A Walking Postscript (Portugal to Spain)”

“So, please excuse the actual web link, “Cycling From A To B.”  (It started as my way to protest and make fun of Larry as he rode his bicycle across the US, from Anacortes to Bar Harbor…scratch that… to Brunswick.)

“Outbound, we are, Larry and I - United flight 27 headed to London.  I don’t pay attention to the news, but I couldn’t help but notice the Queen of England died.

“What’s with you guys?”  Giovanni laughed, “The Pope died when you visited us in Italy.”

“What’s our agenda, you may ask.  Well, we are resting in London for two night, before flying to Porto, Portugal.  Two more nights.  Then we start.  Camino de Santiago Portuguese.  A pilgrimage. Two to two and a half weeks of walking northbound.  Portugal to Spain (that’s the ‘P.S.’). Everything we need in our backpacks.  Hostels.  Language barriers.  Can we say fun?

“Afterwards we have a week or two to ‘wing it.’  Let me address this portion of our trip…we are Type-A, retired Air Traffic Controllers.  We plan everything.  EVERYTHING.  So, after the culmination of walking, staying in hostels and not knowing what will unfold day after day, we’ll be prepared for two more weeks of the unknown.

“We’ll finish with a very quick visit to see our Italian friends, Giovanni and Angelika, fly through London to Iceland.  Stay a few days in Viking-land, again we have no formal plans.  Then fly home.

“I’m taking over Larry’s cycling blog as my own.   I’ll add photos from our adventures and funnies from Larry - after all, he’s my companion and the carrier of all things heavy in his backpack.”

I see ‘Oreo.’ Anyone else?


The Blue Pill


He made it!