It’s Show Time

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With so much gratitude, I want to introduce Brittany Whittern, my web designer extraordinaire.  

She designed this blog page and my art web page too.  I couldn’t complain or write snarky comments without her help, thank God she laughs along with me and not at me.   She can be contacted at

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Our gooseneck ball was installed.  Yes.  Yes.  and YES!

Installed the day after we got a safety recall notice on our new truck, “an improperly assembled two-piece driveshaft may have been installed...separation of the driveshaft can result in a loss of motive power without warning while driving, increasing the risk of a crash. You may hear a loud clunking or banging noise while driving....”

There are no Ford service openings available for a month.

In ‘The Tale of Two Trucks,’ a few blogs ago I wrote about Plan A and Plan B, reference our two Ford pickup trucks.  My neighbor M. asked, “What about Plan F?”

“Plan F?”

“Yes, Plan F, Fuck Ford, and get a different truck.” She laughed.

I think M. was on to something.

So, what to do?  We spent a few hours booking camp spots for the first two weeks of the adventure.  Some of the camp spots or Harvest Host spots were nice.  Some of the RV resorts, not so nice.  I was a little disillusioned.

The following morning I had a serious meltdown, it was the realization that we were going to do this, whether I was ready or not. Worried about what to do in my awkward chunks of spare time, my adult children all voted for me to bring an art project. I sketched up some linoleum tiles to carve.

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We’re going to Eugene, Oregon first to visit my oldest and see a few friends, that way we also circumnavigate July 4th weekend.

“It’s going to be an adventure,” Brian W., our friend said.  “I didn’t say good adventure, just adventure.” After I snagged him in the front yard and complained about my job.

Here’s a recap of the last 13 blogs, written before we’ve even left town: 

1. Larry wants to do this macho bike ride from the west coast to the east coast. 

2. I’m his support during the ride, call me George. 

3. I didn’t and don’t want to do this role. 

4. He purchased a stylish/fancy new camper so I could pull and operate it easily. 

5. We bought a new truck.  It sat on the dealer’s lot for months waiting a redesigned gooseneck. 

6. We waited. 

7.  There’s a blog about the camper’s interior, our home away from home. 

8. I wrote a ridiculously long blog about dogs. 

9. And there are a few blogs to fill space, like hiking or wearing your cycling helmet properly.

Well, Larry researched the safety recall, “no accidents have been reported to date,” he reported. 

“That’s fine dear, ride your bike, I’ll listen for the loud clunk or bang.”

We depart the fix, tomorrow, as in Saturday, as in a month behind schedule. 

When we get back, we plan to host a backyard barbeque for all our wonderful neighbors who listened to me gripe the past month and are helping out in our absence. We love you guys!

See you next Blog.




Wear your helmet properly