Happy 4th

Here is Dave, 74 years of age, panhandling at the I-5 rest area, 15 miles south of Portlandia, three to four times a week to pay for food and Incidentals.

“If you are homeless , where do you live?” I asked.

“I live in that red van over there. social security pays for gas and car insurance.”

In the Army, 9th infantry, nicknamed ‘The Old Reliables’ and the 25th infantry, ‘Cropic Lightening,’ he served his country.  But his country isn’t serving him.  

If you haven’t heard of Agent Orange, it was used regularly for foliage deforestation around base camp.  The long term health impacts are  unquestionable - multiple illnesses including cancers, and birth defects affect US solders and the Vietnamese population.

“We are not getting the help we need.  Bureaucracy is the same, no matter who’s in office,” Dave said.  

Remember Dave when you wave your flag, watch fireworks, or pass a by a vet asking for money. Thank you.

  • For those that don’t know me.  I’m am anti-war.  I can’t think of any reason to kill another person.  

But Dave needed to be heard,  I listened.  


Beautiful People
