Be less Bratty
My assignment for today was to write things I’m grateful for during any coffee break and to get rid of 10% of my brat-i-ness… per my daughter Sarah.
I brought a small journal for the trip. On the first page I wrote the following quote:
“How often do you stop and notice how genius our Universe is? With all its moving parts and mathematical perfection and chemical reactions and food chains and gravity and all the magnificent efficiency and complexity that makes it up? This display of astonishing brilliance didn’t just splat down into being-ness by random, dumb luck, it was thought up. Nature is a smoothly running machine, created by a Universal intelligence, where nothing goes to waste; it all has a place and a purpose, and it all works together in its intricately interwoven and compatible way to create the flabbergasting is-ness of it all. In other words, Source Energy is a Smartypants.” -You are a Badass, by Jen Sincero
I’ve made two entries, one the night before we started the Camino describing all the things I had packed. And the second entry today, about Sarah’s assignment …can I be grateful for the horrific head cold? It does slow me down. But most pressing and unexpected was the question; Why am I blogging? What purpose does it hold? And where do I fit in the whole scheme of social media? Can I disconnect like we did during Vipassana? I will think on these questions as the days progress toward Santiago.
Enjoy the few pics I took today.
Laundry. Every night. If there was a washing machine, I was in heaven.
taking a load off
the Saint stopped to help
Our hostel for the night
pilgrim greeter
Bottom bunk was mine!